Ifá Consultation

Ancient human beings understood the interrelationship between both spiritual and material realities - the seen and unseen. Till this day it is not uncommon for various cultures to seek solutions to the problems in the physical world  through appealing to the spiritual world. Be it related to health, wealth, disagreements, investments, relationships, or important life decisions - someone who could communicate with the unseen world and give clear and relevant directions would always be sought for solutions. Ifá consultation continues to provides clear, time tested and proven ways of “checking in” with the Universe and bringing to light where one needs to be aligned with their divine nature to achieve their aims and goals. Ifá uses ancestral wisdom and spiritual technology to access the energetic patterns at work in any life situation. When we consult Ifá, we access the wisdom of an intelligent and ordered universe to resolve issues heal relationships and restore natural and divine order.

Spiritual Wellness

Ifá as a spiritual system fosters the practice of spiritual wellness. A positive foundation in spiritual wellness creates the right environment for a continued trajectory of positive growth and development. It is through healthy spiritual wellness that we deepen our innate connection to our personal divinity. In a world that has become increasingly reliant upon technological interfaces, we are quickly losing our felt connection to our inner nature and to Divinity that surrounds us. Any deep healing work is fundamentally about tapping into energies within and around us to help us transform into our best and most authentic Self. Through the ancient practice of Ifá we can allow our selves to be guided back to our forgotten divine nature. Through Ifá we harness the healing and miraculous power of Spirit to bring forth the right energies to support us beyond the scope of diagnosed pathologies and symptoms to help create the right environment to heal our connection to our own Heart.

Consultation Process

An Ifá consultation is rooted in ancient tradition, indigenous knowledge, and spiritual transmission.  An Ifá consultation is not a psychic reading or a channeled reading.  Awo do not employ psychic or mediumship abilities; they interpret a series of binary markings to give clients a “spiritual diagnosis”. An Ifá diviner accesses eternal ancestral wisdom through the art of divination to give you insight into your life circumstances and remedy the appropriate solutions to bring your Spirit and your conscious self into balance and harmony with Universe. An Awo (Babálawo or Ìyálawo) commonly known as an Ifá Priest or Ifá Diviner who will consult Ifá on your behalf.  An Awo is someone who has been initiated into a lineage of Ifá devotees and will have been trained to a proficient extent whereby they have been given permission by their elders to consult Ifá on behalf of their community.  

An Awo will cast a divining chain known as an Ọpẹ̀lẹ̀ or manipulate a number of palm kernel seeds (Ìkín Ifá) between their palms in a particular manner to cast a relevant sign known as an Odù. The Awo will then read the signatures that are produced and will advise the client on how to develop the appropriate response to their situation. After a consultation has been done advice will be given to the client whom has consulted with Ifá.  Offerings materials commonly known as Ẹbọ materials will then be prescribed by Ifá known as Ẹbọ to appease certain Universal Forces on behalf of the client to bring about the state of healing and transformation they desire into their life. A specialized form of prayer (Ìwúre) and a healing ceremony known as Ẹbọ Rírù will be done to invoke these Forces to bring about healing and transformation in the life of the client.  

Booking Your Initial Consultation


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