Consulting the Divine, Providing Solutions

Our universe is a unique and divinely ordered system; it is abundant and benevolent by nature. Our universe functions by way of balance and constant change; it is governed by unseen forces at work in our daily lives. Although, to a large extent we remain unconscious of these forces, if we choose to become conscious of their influence we can awaken to our innate ability to reshape our personal experience of reality. The Universe is intrinsically supportive and abundant in nature. And when we give back to it through gratitude it bends to our intentions.
One common thread between all of our human experiences is the need to make the best decisions at the appropriate times. In life, in business, in relationships, virtually everything comes down to the decisions that we make based on the choices we have access to. Usually when we are making significant decisions we engage our analytical faculties and assess all necessary information and/or consult our peers to make the most appropriate and informed decision possible. Ideally, when we have access to more information we make better choices and become more influential in our given circle.
For thousands of years our human ancestors have accessed the ordering patterns inherent in nature with the aim of discerning their influences, while increasing positive social and spiritual outcomes and mitigating negative ones. Human beings have consistently tapped into the universal “storehouse of knowledge” to govern kingdoms, run successful enterprises and avert catastrophic occurrences. When we tap into the ordering aspects of our universe we can effectively manipulate and influence these forces for our benefit; thus we gain insight into how to optimize our resources and abilities to access abundance. This is commonly known as the path of least resistance.
Ifá Ohùn Olódùmarè, Ifá is the voice of Omnipresence.
Ifá is a sacred and intangible repository of knowledge encompassing everything in existence. Ifá as a universal principle and eternal presence has consistently been tapped into by many ancient cultures throughout the world.
Ifá gives us insight into our lived experiences while simultaneously providing us with guidance in how we can connect deeply with Spirit and align ourselves with the universe to achieve our greatest potential. Ifá as a spiritual discipline emphasizes self-inquiry, restoring balance with nature, and creating harmonious relationships to our environment.
Within the realm of West African indigenous spirituality, Ifá as a tradition is practiced by millions of devotees around the world - touching countless lives with real world applications of spiritual principles.
Imagine knowing exactly how the universal forces are at work in your life. Imagine being able to access ancestral wisdom to know what decisions to make to usher in abundance. Today, many people are waking up to the influence of these universal forces and energetic dynamics creating new and exciting opportunities for transformation, growth, health, prosperity, and abundance. Through Ifá we are able to gain direct information beyond the scope of the conscious mind. And through the use of ancient technology we access Ifá and tap into the universal consciousness of All That Is to receive direct guidance relevant to us and pertinent to our situation. The Universe has given us the tools we need to be mentored directly by the Universe.
Divining Providence

Our aim is to reconnect others to their Innate Divinity, aligning ourselves with the Universe through the power of ancient healing traditions and practical wisdom.
The truly unseen advantage in life is the ability to foresee, predict, and adapt. Change is constant. We have the ability to prepare ahead for the future by aligning ourselves deeply with the present. We provide spiritual consultancy rooted in ancestral wisdom and real world applications. We access the wisdom of an intelligent and ordered universe to solve issues, heal relationships and restore balance and natural order to our lives. Through Ifá we call directly on the universe to intervene and empower us with the tools and awareness they need to catalyze their ambitions.
Through Ifá we access the intersection between the unseen forces influencing our lives and all-pervading wisdom. We provide mentorship and guidance in how to understand and influence our life circumstances for our Highest Good.
Ifà Tradition

IFÁ tradition
West african indigenous spirituality
The Ifá Tradition is a living tradition and a complete way of life practiced for thousands of years. As a system of transmitted indigenous knowledge it is a way of life that intertwines spiritual practices with applicable “real-world” wisdom. Ifá as a West African spiritual tradition is firmly rooted in the observation and contemplation of the laws of nature evident in the natural world around us. It is an ecological spiritual tradition founded upon respect and reverence for the life-giving and life-taking forces of nature.
The Ifá tradition is truly alive. Divinities or aspects of Olódùmarè (Creative Principle) reside in energetic places of power and can be awoken, acknowledged, appealed to and appeased to bring about divine unity. Ifá is not a religion based on prayers and petitions made by born sinners to a removed God asking for repentance and salvation. It is an empowered and interactive spiritual tradition where channels of direct communication between human beings and Spirit are a fundamental component. Equally important within the tradition are the relationships built and fortified with these Ancestral and Primordial Forces.
The indigenous peoples of West Africa, in particular the people now identified as the Yorúbà, are similar to other indigenous cultures throughout the world in that they too were also able to tap into the infinite repository of knowledge and utilize its power and wisdom to develop their belief systems, their societies, their family structures, and their medical and spiritual practices. It is from this area of West Africa, primarily Benin, Dahomey, Togo, Ghana and Nigeria, that the Ifá tradition as it is popularly known spread; it was later transported to the Western hemisphere through the transatlantic slave trade.
The West African indigenous worldview is that our universe is intrinsically benevolent. The Creative and Divine Forces of the universe inspire us toward inner peace, harmony, and equilibrium. Ifá as a wisdom tradition is practiced throughout West Africa, the Caribbean, and the Americas in various forms. The tradition of Ifá spread from West Africa to the Diaspora as a result of the transatlantic slave trade. Ifá is an oral repository of ancient knowledge concerning all aspects of existence and non-existence; it is a complex system of divination; it is a sophisticated and esoteric healing system; it is a traditional religion and way of life. Ifá teaches us that everything in creation has consciousness that can be accessed to achieve desired outcomes. The more one learns Ifá, the more one becomes aware of the universal laws of nature and the wisdom and power inherent in the application of their principles. Ancient human beings throughout the world have been “tapping into” and accessing Ifá in some way shape or form to learn how to use the wisdom of nature to harness the law of attraction and manifest their desires.
Today the Ifá tradition remains the core source of a multitude of spiritual practices and religions, albeit with distinct similarities and differences: there is Vodou in Haiti, Lukumi and Santeria in Cuba, Candomblé and Umbanda in Brazil, and Orisha and Shango Baptist in Trinidad and Tobago, to name a few.
Ifá can be defined as an ancient spiritual tradition, a repository of infinite knowledge, and as a divination system. Ifá as a way of life can be distilled into three main aims: achieving a state of balance and harmony within self and within the greater context of the universe; aligning oneself successfully with the creative and intelligent forces of the universe; and honouring your life journey in its entirety by adopting the path of least resistance.
Odù Ifà

Odù Ifá
Divine womb of creation
Through Odù we are capable of accessing omniscient wisdom. Odù are from where everything in creation known and unknown is birthed into existence. Odù as a manifestation of divine wisdom, encompass all of creation and explain the nature of all things. Ifá guides and aligns one with the inherent nature of the universe through Odù.
Within the Ifá divination system, Odù manifest self as a combination geometric patterns.
Ifá as a system of divination and spiritual inquiry recognizes 16 sets of geometric patterns of binary codes. Each pattern can be combined to create a set of 256 Odù - (16x16) - known as Odù Ifá. Odù are in fact sacred geometric patterns that encompass the totality of nature. Each Odù is made up of a set of markings based on a (4x4) pattern of (I or II). For example the first Odù in the series is Èjì Ogbè which is made of a set of (I) marks. While the last of the 256 Odù, Òfúnṣẹ́ (Òfún Ọ̀ṣẹ́) is made up a series of (I and II) marks.
ÈjÌ OgbÈ
All 256 Odù of Ifá are a combination of 16 different sets of binary signatures. The Awo (Ifá Priest) will use these markings to engage in a direct conversation with Ifá and bring to light that which is unseen as a cause and reason for a clients spiritual inquiry.
Within every Odù there exist numerous accounts of existence that when accessed through spiritual inquiry (Dáfá) or Ifá Divination; they are able to address ones needs while further guiding one to the appropriate course of action to take so as to be able to achieve a desired outcome.
Ifá guides and aligns one with the inherent nature of the universe through Odù. If we understand Ifá in simplistic terms than we can imagine it as a large book; Odù are likened to the table of contents or chapters within the text. Each “chapter” is made up of different narratives or accounts of existence in the form of oral poetry, known as Ẹsẹ Ifá.
Ìmàle & Òrìsà

Ìmàle & Òrìsà
Divine forces & elevated Ancestors
The Ifá Tradition is rooted in the observations and awareness of our intrinsic relationship to nature. Ifá is in essence the wisdom of nature and encompasses everything that can be known about existence. This indigenous wisdom tradition sees every creature including “inanimate ones” as having consciousness and being composed of various vibrational energies that can be activated to achieve various aims.
Olódùmarè is what we call the creative phenomenon, force or energy that some liken to God. However Olódùmarè is not beyond reach; its presence is intrinsic to all forms. It is this Supreme Force which is inherent within us all. We are all “living Gods” so to speak. The different aspects of nature — the sea, the ocean, the forest, the desert, the hills, the mountains, the animals, the trees, the stones, the minerals, the mammals, the invertebrates — are all aspects of Olódùmarè. The primordial aspects of Olódùmarè are known as Ìmàle, the fundamental or primordial attributes of creation, while others aspects of the Creative Principle are deified Ancestors of a particular locality, known as Òrìṣà.
Ifá identifies various aspects of Olódùmarè that can be honoured, acknowledged, invoked and appeased to achieve a desired aim and bring us closer to a holistic state of balance.
In this section we will learn how we can learn how to communicate and build a relationship to these various forces of creation to tap into our innate and divine essence. To learn more click Ìmàle and Òrìṣà.
Ewé Ifá

Ewé Ifá
traditional Indigenous healing
The use of traditional forms of healthcare among indigenous groups around the world has undoubtedly contributed to humanities growth and development for millions of years. But, with the advent of the industrial age and the standardization of modern allopathic medicine as the conventional medical norm; indigenous forms of healing and care have often been misaligned and relegated to the realm of pseudo-science or have in other cases been striped of their original nature and intention and forced into chemical compounds for use in pharmaceuticals.
Within the Ifá Tradition as is practiced in West Africa; the use of water, plants, tress, minerals, animals, and other naturally occurring substances has developed into a unique esoteric medical system which incorporates the spiritual dynamics of consciousness.
Ifá teaches us that everything, including inanimate objects have consciousness and when we learn to access this consciousness we can bend and shape reality at will. The power of the word and voice is what activates the Spirit or consciousness of these substances and reminds them of their original nature. By using the power of our intention combined with our voice we are able to activate and invoke various properties latent within these substances all by calling upon that aspect of nature with a particular name.
Within the Ifá tradition the use of many different types of preparations or medicines for many different ailments makes use of the principal of like treats like or the law of similarities used in homeopathic medicine. For example; if we take the case of high blood pressure and its treatment. One may be “prescribed” a herbal supplement to take which has the proven scientific effect of lowering blood pressure, but it may also have been enhanced through the power of the word to remind this bark or herb of its original nature which may tap into how the tree actually grows. It may be that the tree would have enormous roots and very little leaves, indicating that the “pressure” or power of the tree is in its roots and not in its limbs. This analogy of the nature of how the tree grows has an additional effect at brining ones energy down or lowering ones pressure by virtue of its enormous roots.
Ewé Ifá is a very sophisticated science passed down from one generation to another and encompasses everything from magical preparations that can seemingly preform the impossible to mundane remedies for issues such as low back pain or anxiety.
In this section we will begin to examine some Ewé Ifá used in the Ifá Tradition for various purposes as a way to communicate and preserve this knowledge through a digital platform. To learn more click on Ewé Ifá.
Sacred Songs

Sacred Songs
Divine communication
Central to many indigenous cultures is the use of sacred songs and chants to awaken and invoke universal aspects of the divine to preform certain tasks. Human beings have used song and dance for millennia to access higher states of consciousness and deepen their innate felt sense of divinity.
There is great creative potential held in using the power of the voice and the use of sacred rhythms to heal and benefit individuals and communities. In the Ifá Tradition, the use of sacred sounds is intrinsic to devotion and harnessing the creative nature of these spirit energies (Ìmàle and Òrìṣà).
In this section we will examine some of these songs and chants and their deeper meanings, so as to be able to access the felt sense of Spirit within ourselves and around us through this traditional practice.

Ketus Ifá Institute
Wisdom creates wealth & Power
Ketus Ifá Institute is a leading educational institution and training centre for the preservation of the Ifá Tradition and other West African indigenous cultural and spiritual practices. Ketus Ifá Institute welcomes students of all ages to learn and preserve indigenous ancestral knowledge. We provide both online and in person classes and train our students to become effective Awo and Ifá practitioners. If you are interested in our classes or would like more information about our services please kindly contact us through our email: ketusifaacademy@gmail.com and we would be happy to respond to you directly.