Consultations. (Dáfá)

The Ifá divination system is an ancient oracle used for thousands of years to see beyond the physical world and understand the spiritual nature of our experiences.

Ifá provides clarity around decision making while simultaneously enhancing our spiritual support system. We consult Ifá to chart a course through life with the least amount of energetic and spiritual resistance possible.

All consultations are preformed by competent Babaláwo trained by West African Orisa practitioners. CLICK to learn more.

With every consultation, Ifá will prescribe specific offerings to be done and special prayers to be made to the Universe. These prayer sessions use metaphysical principles and practices to remediate undesirable energies and usher in positive ones. This process, known as Ebo Rírú, is an esoteric form of prayer used by Ifá priests to restore harmony and balance. CLICK to learn more.

Prayers. (Ebo Riru)

Medicines. (Akose)

Spiritual preparations and medicines are traditionally knowns as Àkóse. Àkóse work by tapping into and combining the spiritual essences of various herbs, plants, and animals to create a particular effect and outcome. Àkóse can be used to enhance the power of the word, thwart undesirable energies and fortify oneself spiritually and physically among many others uses. CLICK to learn more.

Our workshops teach many important aspects of the tradition including various ways to invoke, appease, and connect with Orisa. We offer Kola nut and Cowrie divination methods to enhance ones prayers and words through the chanting of Odù Ifá and traditional incantations. CLICK to learn more.
