Spiritual Wellness

Ifá as a system of self-development fosters spiritual wellness, through which we deepen our connection to our sense of divinity. Ifá harnesses the power of Spirit by aligning us with the right energies to create the necessary environment for healing and wellness.


Spiritual Consultation

Human beings have long understood the interrelationship between both spiritual and material realities. Ifá provides clear and trusted ways of aligning to the Universe to achieve ones highest visions.

Ifá consultation uses spiritual technology to access divine intelligence revealing the ordering patterns of nature at work in our lives. The oracle of Ifá allows direct access to ancestral wisdom to resolve issues, heal relationships, and restore divine order.


Consultation Process

Ifá consultation has two main parts: a spiritual diagnosis and a prescription. A Babálawo will consult Ifá to get a spiritual diagnosis. Ifá will then prescribe the right measures to bring ones consciousness into better alignment with the Universe.

A Babálawo will cast a divining chain known as an Opèlè or manipulate a number of palm kernel seeds known as Ìkín Ifá to reveal a sign known as an Odù. Based on this knowledge they will advise the client on the appropriate response to their situation.

During consultation specific offering materials will be prescribed to appease various Universal Forces and strengthen ones spiritual support systems. After consultation, a prayer ritual known as Ẹbọ Rírù is done to appeal to the Universe to bring about the desired transformation in the life of the client.


Consultation Form

First Time Clients Only

fill out this form below and you will be emailed the necessary forms to sign and complete before your Initial Consultation.